Sunday, April 1, 2012

A New Day Has Come!

Hey Everyone!
Sorry for the lapse in appearrance lately. It was for a good reason, I promise! Reasons which you will see throughout the coming week!

I am trying something new with this blog. Namely, I would like to be more organized; this will be difficult for me as I am rarely so. Therefore, ahead of time, I am thanking you for your patience while I work out all the kinks.

A few other changes I will be making in the near future will inlcude trying to stick to a planned day for a topic. This may not last long! lol I still want to try though. Right now my mind is full of great things to blog about, but without rhyme or reason. Having a specific day for a specific type of topic is my start at this so called organization.

So if you have any great advice or can share what has worked for you, PLEASE do! I appreciate all the help I can get!

In other news, this morning I was watching the LDS General Conference and heard this phrase spoken by Dieter F. Uchtdorf (Second Counselor in the First Presidency of the Church). I absolutley love it and will be saying in my head over and over:

"There is enough heartache and sorrow in this life without our adding to it through our own stubborness, bitterness and resentment. We are not perfect ... the people around us are not perfect"

I really love that quote because I often feel like I can get caught up "assuming" that I know what someone is really going through. To put it in a perspective that says I am only adding to the 'heartache and sorrow' really hit me. I don't want to be that person and never thought I was until just now. Throughout the next week I am going to strive harder to be a little less judgemental and a little more helpful. I encourage you to do the same! Maybe by the end of the week we talk about how it felt.

Thanks for reading and commenting! 

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