Thanks for stopping by to say hi!
My name is Jacinda Cote.
I am a 27 year old SAHM of 2 beautiful kids, Oskar, age 4 and Penelope, 20 months.
Here are a few things you should know about me if we are to be friends:
- I am in love with the word craft. {It's magical isn't it?} You say craft and you can bet I am there, whether it's blogging about it, reading about it, writing about it or my favorite, doing it! I have sewn, stitched, burned, cut, sawed, glued, taped and painted just about everything.
- I am always willing to try any craft at least once.
- My long time favorite "crafty-thing" is sewing. My mom is an amazing seamstress taught me to sew as a young girl.
- Since the birth of my son, I have battled with Post Partum Depression. I like to talk about it, A LOT. I really feel that PPD is something that people still have a hard time talking about and accepting it as what it is.
- My next true love is defintely Fonts! I'm really geeky about it too.. I can name just about any font as we walk through a mall or down a street. With that love naturally follows typography....
- Photoshop and Illustrator are my silent best friends. I can spend hours and I mean literally, on the computer designing with all my favorite fonts and photoshop.
- From the moment vinyl and I met, we had a match made in heaven! The possibilities with it are endless, it's my perfect muse for crafty mix with typography
I hope my creations fill you full of inspiration, love, and happiness. Please don't hesitate to stop by send me a hello. I am always looking to meet like minded people! Thanks for reading and commenting! :)
Much Love!
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