Thursday, April 19, 2012

Summer Dresses Take 2 {Tutorial Roundup}

Good Day Friends!
I am having the most difficult time trying to decide what dress to sew. There are so many! I think I will just have to sew them all! hehe!

It's deciding what dress shall be first that I am the most indecisive about. I haven't sewn a dress or skirt in years, so I actually feel a little nervous! I have spent most of my time sewing bags, home decor items and things for my kids. Which is why I think it is a good idea to start with something a little simpler; just so I can keep motivated! So here for your viewing pleasure are some more of my favorite dress tutorials.

Source: A Small Snippet
I really love how simple this dress is from A Small Snippet. Instead of a tank top though, I would use a t-shirt. The tutorial shows options for a longer dress or a shorter dress. Plus it has a little how-to included for using elastic thread. I think this would be a great dress for me to start with.

Source: Make it and Love it
Another great re-purpose dress tutorial from Make it and Love it. This blog has so many great tutorials, I could just spend hours there. I love that this dress tutorial doesn't have gathers all the way around the waste. They are in the front and back, which result in a slimming look.

Source: Everything Emme 

Source Everything Emme
The two dresses above are the coolest re-purposed dresses I have seen from a blog called Everything Emme. The first one is a mu-mu redo, which I just love, because mu-mus often come in wild colors. The second one, a modest vintage dress redo, reminds me of living in southern Alberta. haha!

I feel like they are one of those things were you see something and are like Duh! Why didn't I think of that?? Really, I want to go to Value Village right now and find a dress to tinker with and re-invent. Coolest idea ever. Period! To see more great treats like this, head over to the blog!

Of course, there are a huge number of dress patterns (like the one above) that I can find from Simplicity, McCalls and Burda. I think I will go look there next...

What dress is your favorite?


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